Colorado Plateau Geosystems Inc.

Deep Time Maps™

Academic Pricing Information: for use by current Faculty or Students

What is the price?

  • $125.00 per map, JPEG file
  • Credit card only billed via CPGS PayPal account
  • University PO accepted for orders over $500.00

University Library Purchase–we are selling the six series to University Library’s for all current students and faculty to use. Information upon request

Is there a charge for altering the map?

Yes—if you have a special request based on your data and you want a map changed to your specification there is a $200.00 per hour charge

How can maps be used?

Teaching, Journal Articles, Research, Talks; Data may be added by the user

What may not be done with the maps?

Posted online in anyway w/o a special license.  Sold or used in a for profit way. Not intended for books or museums.

How are maps sent?

Email or a link to Drop Box (only)

What maps are available?

  • These maps are copyrighted for viewing only and may not be downloaded
  • All available maps are in the LIST OF MAPS next to each series

Is there a license?

An invoice and license is included in the purchase

How can I order individual maps?

Fill out the form below.

Note: if you have paid for the map and received the invoice & license but have not received the map within 24 hours CHECK YOUR SPAM

Keep purchase order form.

Map Order Form
Academic Purchase

Fill out the form below to start the process of ordering a map.

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