Colorado Plateau Geosystems Inc.

Deep Time Maps™

Academic Pricing Information: for use by current Faculty or Students

What is the price?

  • $110.00 per map from Series: Global, Europe, Permian Basin, Western Interior SW, Artic
  • $120.00 per map New ©2023 North American in Deep Time ©2023
  • Credit card only billed via CPGS PayPal account
  • University PO accepted for orders over $500.00
All orders out of the United States:
  • $125 per map, highest resolution, JPEG file

Note: we are selling the six series to University Library’s for all current students and faculty to use. Information upon request

Is there a charge for altering the map?

Yes—if you have a special request based on your data and you want a map changed to your specification there is a $200.00 per hour charge

How can maps be used?

Teaching, Journal Articles, Research, Talks; Data may be added by the user

What may not be done with the maps?

Posted online in anyway w/o a special license.  Sold or used in a for profit way. Not intended for books or museums.

How are maps sent?

Email or a link to Drop Box (only)

What maps are available?

  • These maps are copyrighted for viewing only and may not be downloaded
  • All available maps are in the LIST OF MAPS next to each series

Is there a license?

An invoice and license is included in the purchase

How can I order individual maps?

Fill out the form below.

Note: if you have paid for the map and received the invoice & license but have not received the map within 24 hours CHECK YOUR SPAM

Map Order Form
Academic Purchase

Fill out the form below to start the process of ordering a map.

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