
Animations Available


Global Animation 600 Ma to Present:
Animation Sample

7200 frames or 14,400 frames

Animation Projection
Rectilinear, Mollweide or Spherical (may be centered on a location)

Pixel Dimensions
Up to 3000 x 6000

Image Sequence or h.264 movie

Customization Available

  • Highlighting the movement of a specific location such as a city or continent
  • Labeling of Euramerica, Gondwana, Rodina, Pangaea, Laurasia
  • Labeling of modern-day continents
  • Labeling of geological periods (text or timeline)
  • Additional annotation and texting

Western Interior Seaway

(Special pricing for universities)

Cretaceous 140 MA to 60 MA:
Sample animation

Walk into the time of the Western Interior Seaway 136 Million years ago to 60 million years ago.

This animation traces the history of North America’s Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway from its inception in northwest Canada through its greatest extent from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico during the Turonian to Campanian (subdivisions of Cretaceous time, 94 – 77 Ma), to its demise in the Maastrichtian (Ca. 67 Ma)

Ice Ages

21,000 years ago to Present
3,000 x 6000 pixels
Frame Sequence is 7,000 frames

Who Developed the Animation?

Dr. Ron Blakey, president of Colorado Plateau Geosystems Inc. and Kate Raisz Owner/Producer/Director of 42 Degrees North Media in Boston.

Where can I get detailed information?
